API :: Profile data routes

The profile data routes are available for GET requests, and need bearer authorization from user.

Personal info

  "id": "identity’s UUID",
  "full_name": "identity’s full name",
  "first_name": "identity’s fist name (part of full name)",
  "last_name": "identity’s last name (part of full name)",
  "nickname": "identity’s nickname",
  "email": "identity’s main e-mail",
  "birth": "identity’s birth data encoded under ISO 8601",
  "gender": "identity’s gender",
  "language": "identity’s language IETF tag (BCP 47)",
  "picture": "identity’s avatar URL",
  "timezone": "identity‘s timezone name",
  "country": "identity’s contry encoded under ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code",
  "city": "identity’s city",
  "bio" : "biography supplied by the identity’s user"


Professional info

  "id": "identity’s UUID",
  "profession": "identity’s profession",
  "company": "identity’s company",
  "position": "identity’s position in the company"


  "id": "identity’s UUID",
  "phone_numbers": ["a list of phone numbers"]


  "id": "identity’s UUID",
  "emails": ["a list of e-mails, starting with the main one"]